Maps with fake cities
Some maps may have fake towns (also called Phantom/Paper Towns) within them, this is done on purpose by cartographers. This is intended to be a copyright trap because if someone copies the map, they will be caught since the included the name of the made-up city. An example is Agloe, New York, which was a paper town that was intended to catch plagiarism. A store opened there in 1950. Around the same time, a company called Rand McNally created a map with the city of Agloe. The original cartographer threatened to sue but Rand argued that since there was a store there, it counted as a settlement. The store soon went out of business but the city of Agloe remained on maps until 1990.
South America is further east than you think
You might think that South America is directly below its northern counterpart, but that assumption would be wrong. If you dragged South America up north, its westernmost point would be entirely east of the state of Michigan in The U.S. In fact, the easternmost point of South America (which is in Brazil) is actually closer to Africa than it is to North America.
A European country has a land border with an African country
The closest distance from continental Spain to the nearest African country, Morocco, is only 14 km (8.9 miles). But look closer and you will see two exclaves(area of a country that is not attached to the main landmass), Ceuta and Melilla. When Morocco gained independence from Spain and France in 1956, Spain ceded most of its Moroccan lands which included most of Morocco’s northern coastline but refused to cede the two cities. Nowadays these exclaves have the same status as the autonomous districts on mainland Spain.
Only 2% of Australia’s population live in the highlighted area
Australia is a continent, maybe a small one, but still a continent. And continents are huge, Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world by land area, which would make you think that there is tons of space for people to stretch out. But you would be wrong, 98% of Australia’s population lives near the coast, while the rest is empty, dry, and hot. It cannot support large-scale communities because of the shortage of water and other resources.
Bangladesh has more people than Russia
Bangladesh, despite being almost 115 times smaller than Russia, has 165 million people, while massive Russia only has around 144 million. This is because Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world (excluding microstates like Singapore, Monaco, etc), mostly thanks to the plentiful rivers that flow through it (seriously, look at the rivers that run through the country). Bangladesh can also boat about having a larger population than Russia because almost all of Russia’s Asian lands are home to the cold, vast, and inhabitable lands of Siberia.